Saturday, May 30, 2015

Back O'er Oregon

Thanks to Soul Pancake, M and I discovered The Weather Machine, and specifically this song by them. This video beautifully highlights all of Oregon's 185 state parks.  What a breathtaking state we live in--I can't wait to explore it.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Exploring the Northwest

With the upcoming long holiday weekend, M and I are thinking about road trips. We are in this area of the country that is brand new to us, and we're eager to explore not just our new home city, but also our new home region.

In Southern Oregon, there's a ton of natural beauty to experience, so there's a few "must see" places that folks immediately recommend: Crater Lake National Park, for one. The Rogue River and its surrounding parks and hiking trails are another. We have been glad to get so many good suggestions from people who know the area well.

But what about the broader region? We're looking for suggestions of one- or two-day trips, nothing involving a car trip so long it will feel too much like our recent cross-country trip. We'd love to see the geographical diversity of our new state, and we also want to see the Pacific Ocean.  Which Oregon/Northern California beach town is best?  Any cities in Southern Washington worth a visit? Eastern Oregon, what about places over that way? (Please do not disclose the location of anyone in the witness protection program, though.)

And while we're at it, what's the best way to go visit Seattle?  Plane, train, or automobile? (Or hoverboard, a la Marty McFly?)

Basically, how shall we spend our long summer weekends?  Give us some suggestions.  All ideas are good ideas.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

O States

So I've lived in all the O states. There are three: Ohio, Oklahoma, and Oregon. I lived in them in alphabetical order.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Post-move adjustment

Moving is hard.

The first time I moved, I was six years old. My family relocated from Pittsburgh--the only place I'd ever known, and the only place my parents had ever lived--to the suburbs of Baltimore. I was too young to really have any opinion on the matter.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Learning how to be a state

When we were in the early stages of planning our move, one of my buddies in Cleveland put me in touch with one of her friends, who years earlier, had moved with his partner from Cuyahoga County to Portland, Oregon. Excitedly, I began exchanging emails with this gentleman. He offered lots of great tips and information about relocating to this region. At one point, he said, "There will be things that'll make you think, Oregon is still learning how to be a real state."

That gave me pause. A real state? Like, did the Pony Express still operate in the Northwest? Did Wyatt Earp hang bandits without going through due process? Were disagreements still settled by duels at high noon in the main square?  I asked, "So, like, what kinds of things will make me think this?"

He was all, just, "Oh, you'll know when you experience it."

So, without further ado: