Friday, July 17, 2015

Oregon is not Portland.

Up until about eight months ago, I suffered from a misconception common among East-of-the-Mississippi folk: All of Oregon is The (capital T) Northwest (capital N).

Let's start by establishing what exactly The Northwest is, according to the Rest of America (also in capital letters):

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Medford Moments #2

Overheard in the Rogue Valley...

Random Stranger 1: "I bought a Four Runner. And then my kid wanted it, so I gave him that Four Runner and bought another Four Runner."
Random Stranger 2: "Where do you live again?"
RS 1: "[Name of suburban town easily accessible by the highway and not located in the back woods or high on a mountain]"
RS 2: "You go up to the mountain lakes a lot?"
RS 1: "No, not really."
RS 2: "...  ...  ...  ...  ... Oh."

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Independence Day

To my fellow Americans, happy Independence Day! United States, you're almost 240 years old, but darling, you don't look a day over 225.

M. and I heard that Ashland, a little offbeat city a few miles to the south, was holding a festival for the holiday, so we decided to take a peek.  Despite the 100+ degree temperature, we hit the road and drove down the 5. Within a half hour, our car was parked in a public lot--five hours for only $2--and we were trekking toward Lithia Park and the blocked-off city streets that were the hub of all the action.